Monday, August 23, 2010

WordWorld Build a Word App for iPhone Review

My kids love WordWorld. I like it too. It's my favorite PBS cartoon in the current line up, and it's inspired my son to make things like this:

(L's Lego interpretation on Ant, Fly, and Bee from WordWorld.)
I recently had the opportunity to review the Build a Word app for iPhone, and it's been a hit with both kids, not to mention my husband and I.

My five year old son is able to use the app independently. The two year old needs help, but still thinks its awesome. She'll even sit still to watch her brother play.

It's really more of a letter matching game than a spelling game. An outline of a word will appear on the screen, and your task is to "catch" the correct letters as they fly across the screen. After spelling the whole word in that fashion, you "squish" the letters together, and they transform into a Word Friend, like Pig, or Sheep. The games include the same sound effects and the "Build a Word" song your children will recognize from the show.

The kids have been begging to play this, and at only 99 cents, it's a really good value.

The app is available through iTunes.

Disclaimer: I was provided with a free copy of this app to facilitate the review, however no other compensation was provided.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, found you from hip homeschool hop...
    looking forward to gettting to know your blog.. looks great!
