Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Family is Growing

No, not like that. The newest addition has four legs.

This is our resident senior citizen. She's 12 years old, and I got her from the Humane Society way back in high school. She was my baby before I had human babies. These days, she's more like a piece of furniture that eats.

We acquired this half grown puppy about 6 weeks ago. The kids wanted a dog to play with, and the ancient dachshund  wouldn't oblige. Although it hardly seems possible, this puppy has more energy than the kids. She's kept the kids and the other dog busy. She's also rid us of many forgotten toys and flip flops in the back yard. She's a chewer.

Last week, while driving down the road, we saw what at first appeared to be a bunny hopping through the grass, heading for the street. On closer inspection, it was a puppy, wearing no collar or tags. We popped her in the car, and drove around the adjacent neighborhood asking if anyone was looking for her. They weren't, so she came home with us. It turns out that she has a huge personality for a tiny little dog. She and the blue heeler have become fast friends. Potty training her is keeping me pretty busy. (It's hard to say who is more resistant to this potty training stuff, her or my two year old daughter...)


  1. So very sweet of you to keep the puppy! What a sweet little trio of doggies you have now...puppy love...

  2. We're addicted to adoption too, so I get it. Spread that love around!
