Saturday, November 6, 2010

Meet Brobeena

I picked up a McCall's pattern (number M5826, if you're interested,) a while back to make weird little toy monsters for the kids. On closer inspection, I noticed one of the body patterns looked a little like Brobee, from Yo Gabba Gabba.
I dived into my pile of partially disassembled wool sweaters today, and started working on some of Brobee's slightly eccentric relatives. :)

Here's the only one I managed to complete tonight. We've named it Brobeena.

It's a little wacky looking, (no mess ups on my part this time, it was supposed to be,)  but V loves it. She got to weigh in on some of the details, like the fact that she wanted it to have "mommy lips."

I used the body pattern as is, and added the horns, (ears? whatever they are,) and the facial features. It looks like you could also use one of the included patterns to make a pretty good Toodee, and with a few alterations, you could probably make Muno as well.

I have several more of Brobee's pals in the works.

handmade projects

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