Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WFMW: Audio Bible for Your Smart Phone

I know ya'll are going to think all I do is play with my phone, but I found another cool app to tell you about. Actually, my sister ran across it, and told me about it just in time, right before I spent about a hundred dollars on essentially the same thing, (an audio Bible on CD.)
It's called Bible.Is, and it's a free audio Bible for your smart phone. I have an iPhone, but I checked, and it's also available for Androids.
I love it. I've been listening to it while I cook, clean, and as I go to bed at night.
For more WFMW posts, go to

(I am in no way compensated for this recommendation. The app is free, and it's great. )

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing I hope you have a blessed day. Have you signed up for your free MP3 KJV audio Bible?
