Monday, October 10, 2011

Bulletin Board Makeover

Several years ago, we hung a large bulletin board in our entryway, (for lack of a better place). It's a nice spot for the kids to display pictures and worksheets that they're proud of, but it's kind of ugly, and it's pretty much the first thing you see when you walk in the door.

Bulletin board, before.

Now that we are swimming in old burlap bags, (a recent garage sale find,) I decided to cover it with burlap. I cut open a bag, ironed it, and fastened it to the back of the bulletin board with thumbtacks. (It doesn't matter how neat the back side looks, as long as the front is smooth.) I could have glued it, but I liked the idea of being able to switch it out with something else later, if I get bored.

Bulletin board, back side.
The project only took a few minutes, but I love it now.

Bulletin board covered in burlap.
Weird shadows, courtesy of our Halloween decor in the background.

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