Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday Catch Up

It's been a busy couple of days.

I helped put together a birthday party for my ten year old niece. I baked the 4 dozen cupcakes and the cake, and made a number of the decorations. We made neon pink and purple cupcakes for the Hannah Montana party, and let the kids decorate them with pink and purple icing, and tons of sprinkles. The kids had a lot of fun, and I would highly recommend cupcake decorating as a party activity, as long as you can stomach the resulting mess... (Or better yet, have the kids decorate the cupcakes outside on the picnic table, then hose it down, lol.) I should have taken pictures at the party, but I was too busy trying to manage my little ones during the chaos.

I attended a preview of the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University program at our church last night. It will be starting in September, and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm also going to try to make the parenting class that will be starting at around the same time, if I can manage to find a babysitter. Who couldn't use a little help in both those departments, right? (I could.)

Like most everyone else, I've also been trying to get things organized for our first day of school, which will be on the first. I'll be posting more regularly then about what we're up to. Since I've given myself permission to be pretty relaxed about things this year, I'm actually looking forward to it a lot more. (More on my recent change of plans later.)

Today is my twin niece's birthdays, so we'll be heading over to see them. I can't believe those kids are 19. I blinked and they grew up.

On a totally unrelated note, baby V has finally started sleeping better, and now that I'm getting some sleep,I'm starting to feel a little more like a human being. I forgot what it was like. Last night, we managed to get the kiddos to bed early, and stayed up late playing RockBand. It's as close to a date night as we get around here.

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