Wednesday, September 30, 2009

WFMW: Kid pants from t shirts

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A while back, I saw a tutorial at on how to make baby and toddler pants from adult sized t shirts. Since then, I've seen various incarnations of the same idea: pj pants from sheets and pillowcases, shorts and pants from bandannas. I finally got around to trying out the Rookie Moms tutorial this morning, and made baby V some pants from the sleeve portion of an adult sized XL long sleeved shirt. (There's still enough fabric from the body of the shirt to make another pair.) They turned out great, and now I know what to do with some of the t shirts and other things I've been hoarding for some future project.
These turned out to have straight legs. I'm making her some flares next.

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Cheap, easy, recycled kids' clothes work for me. For lots of other great WFMW tips, check out

1 comment:

  1. I have 3 pairs that I just made in one afternoon. I just need to put the elastic in them.

    At she tells how to do the same thing and how to use leftovers to make short sleeves to long sleeves with the excess shirt. I also saw on another blog how to make some cute heandbands from the sleeves of t-shirts. Great way to use up things that would otherwise be thrown away.
