Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pillsbury Flaky Cinnamon Rolls Review & Giveaway

I was recently contacted by My Blog Spark about trying Pillsbury Flaky Cinnamon Rolls with Butter Cream Icing.
Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls were actually one of my mom's favorite treats when I was a kid, so I've had them before, but it had been many years. My children, who had never had them were amazed. My son thought we were having donuts with icing, and my daughter thought they were some kind of cupcake. (Clearly the kids are partial to anything with icing.)

They were easy enough to cook. Pop 'em in the oven, frost 'em when they're done, and suffice it to say that there weren't any leftovers after breakfast. The kiddos loved them, and my husband and I thought they were good too.
Pillsbury had suggested these would be a nice treat for a lazy Sunday morning. I suppose that's true, but Sunday mornings around here are anything but lazy. Getting the kiddos dressed, and the family to church roughly on time means that we sometimes get to church with rumbly tummies. (The kids eat cereal or string cheese in the car.) I'd actually suggest that these would make a nice treat for a crazy, hurried Sunday morning. They take less than 5 minutes of hands on time to cook, and judging by the amount of time it took my kids to snarf them down, they're pretty quick to eat.
Health food they aren't, but they're a quick, yummy treat.
In answer to the question posed by Pillsbury, about what the "sweetest" part of my Sunday morning is, I'd have to say that it's holding hands with my son at church. He rarely sits still long enough to be snuggly, but for 30 minutes on Sunday morning, he sits beside me and willingly holds my hand. :)

My Blog Spark also sent me a neat little prize pack, that included scissors, glue, and a pretty scrapbooking kit. (I haven't used it yet, but if time permits, I'm planning on turning it into a Christmas gift for my dad.)

They've also offered to sponsor a giveaway here.

One commenter will receive the gift pack I got, with a coupon for a free package of Cinnamon Rolls, and the scrapbooking supplies.

For your first entry, tell me what the "sweetest" part of your Sunday is.

For additional, optional entries, you may do any or all of the following:
Follow my blog.
Follow me on Twitter.
Blog/Tweet/Post on Facebook about the giveaway. (Please leave a link.)

Please leave a comment for each entry, and don't forget to leave a way to be contacted if you are the winner.
This giveaway will end 11/7/10, at midnight central time.

In the meantime, you can print a coupon towards a can of Cinnamon Rolls here: 

Disclaimer: Pillsbury provided me with product, information, and prize packs through MyBlogSpark. No other compensation was provided, and the opinions expressed here are my own.


  1. The sweetest part of our Sunday is sleeping in late and then going to church.

  2. The "sweetest" part of my Sunday is sleeping in late, then waking up to fresh hot coffee and the newspaper :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  3. My sweet Sundays mean worshiping my God and an afternoon nap! derekannette at gmail dot com

  4. The sweetest part of my Sunday - after worship - is the afternoon - we're a pastor's family and Sunday morning's are pretty hectic - so after church everyone breathes a big sigh of relief and we have family time...

  5. The sweetest part of my Sunday is how excited my baby is to see me after spending an hour in the nursery with other babies. He squeals with delight every single Sunday! :)

  6. I posted the giveaway on FB!/jaynessa.campbell

  7. The sweetest part of Sunday is going to church as a family and then spending the rest of the day together playing games or watching a movie. Sunday is sweet all together - it's our family day. Thanks for the chance!
    Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

  8. I follow you on google friend connect. (Kelly Deaton)
    Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. I follow you on twitter. (@dkad23)
    Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. Tweet. (dkad23)
    Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

  11. The "sweetest" part of our Sunday for the kids is the doughnuts they get to eat at church!

  12. The sweetest part of my Sunday is that it's the only day I get to sleep in until eight! My husband wakes up with the little lady, and sometimes she comes looking for Mom by knocking on my bedroom door :)

    stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

  13. Following you via GFC (Ten Talents)

    stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

  14. Following on Twitter!

    stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

  15. Best part is getting to sleep in a bit later and having a leisurely breakfast together. :-)

  16. The sweetest part of my Sunday is that my hubby lets me sleep in a bit! And, we always make breakfast together as a family.

    mdlangmead at gmail dot com

  17. I usually feel rested by Sunday morning and this is the sweetest part.

  18. The sweetest part of my sunday is SLEEPING IN!

  19. I follow on Twitter (@wrestlingaddict)

  20. Tweet:

  21. Facebook:

  22. sleeping in & late, lazy breakfast as an entire fam.

  23. tweet!

  24. the sweetest part of Sunday is sleeping in and feeling refreshed for another new week of work

  25. tweeted:

  26. The sweetest part is spending time with my family.

  27. Following you on twitter.

  28. sleeping in if at all possible :) lilcherrygirl at hotmail dot com

  29. tweeted

  30. shared on facebook!/permalink.php?story_fbid=175068709170167&id=151756084864885
