Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Yet Another Tie Dyed Shirt Quilt

I've been piling up old t shirts again, to make into another quilt.

Recycled t shirt quilt, prior to sewing.
(A little sidebar here: Quilt is probably not the right word for the blankets I make, since they're totally devoid of the skill and craftsmanship of a real quilt. My seams are a little wonky, and they aren't bound properly, but they're a neat way to hang on to your favorite shirts a little longer, and they are functional and cozy.)

A portion of the finished quilt on my bed.
We've all been fighting over this one. I actually backed it with a sheet, and skipped the batting this time, so it's really light, perfect for relaxing on the couch in this oddly warm weather.


  1. Gorgeous!
    I really have to get my sewing machines fixed so I can get back to my quilt projects!
