Thursday, April 12, 2012

Second Grade Curriculum Choices

First grade is nearly over at our house. We have a vacation coming up at the end of this month, and we'll tie up the rest of our loose ends in May. It's been a year full of hills and valleys here. We didn't get as much done as I'd wanted, (will we ever?) but we did enough. 

It's time to plan for next year. We typically homeschool through out the summer, so second grade is just around the corner for us. 

Second grade homeschool curriculum.

We're going to be starting a new schedule for next year. Instead of taking several large chunks of time off though out the year, we're going to try taking a two week break every 5-6 weeks. I read about schools overseas using a similar schedule on someone's blog a while back, and it stuck with me. I love the idea of having built in breaks to keep us all from burning out, and I feel like I'll have more time to plan during the breaks.

We've purchased most of the necessary  curriculum, and I've tentatively come up with a weekly schedule for us.(More on that later.) I thought I'd share some of the curriculum we'll be using next year, in case anyone else is brainstorming for ideas. The list isn't all inclusive, and is subject to change. (Obviously we'll tweak anything that doesn't work. I'm also still on the TOS crew until at least late next fall, so we'll be throwing those review products into the mix as well. ) A few of these products will be used daily, most once or twice a week.

(Also I'm linking to because they're frequently the cheapest source for new curriculum, but for the record I'm not an affiliate, and don't stand to gain anything from your clicks.)

Science/History/Social Studies: We're going to be doing some unit studies that will cover these areas, but additionally, we'll be reading Story of the World, and L will be continuing the Christian Liberty Nature Reader  series. (He really likes these.)
Bible: Aside from the actual Bible, we'll be using Studying God's word Book B (also by Christian Liberty Press, and also a continuation of a series that L has thus far enjoyed.) Additionally, we'll be using the wonderful Seeds Family Worship cds, and a Bible study on Revelation, at L's request.
Reading/Language Arts: We read a lot here. I still believe the best way to learn to read and write is to read and be read lots of books. We'll be continuing with the Little House books, and whatever else strikes our fancy. I've also purchased a Spectrum Language Arts workbook to cover things like parts of speech.
Handwriting: We started using the Draw. Write Now. books some time ago, and just sort of lost steam. We're going to pick those up again, because they're fun, and L can most definitely use the practice. 
Spanish: I recently found out that our public library offers Mango language lessons for free to card holders. We're going to test drive it, and see what we think. (I've heard good things about Mango, and the price is right.)
Extras: The kiddos are going to be enrolled in Awana again. We're also looking into scouting for L next year.

All told, we're probably looking at about a half day of school work for L. 


  1. looks great.I love mango,learning italian :)

  2. We also school year round. I have never really planned when we break or not, just kinda take them when I think we need them. We are still mid way in our school year. We still have a couple more months till we will be switching grades. We are also doing Story of the world, that along side some Unit Studies and Time4Learning. Good Luck on your upcoming school year!
    P.s. I don't think any of us every get everything we want done ;)

  3. Sounds like a good schedule. We also school year-round so we can take breaks throughout the year whenever we need to. It does help with burnout! We used many of the same things you have listed here, too. It will be a fun year for you!

    Stopping by from the TOS Crew and following your blog now.
